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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Jurisprudence

Guide for authors


All articles are accepted via the journal's website. Citation of articles published previously in the Journal and the links (one or more) to works published in journals indexed in the Scopus and Web databases shall be encouraged. One author has the right to submit an article no more than twice a year. One author cannot publish more than one article in one issue, except in cases of submitting an article in co-authorship (single article - 1 + co-authored - 1). The Editorial Board shall be entitled to give permission to publish a series of articles by one author (group of authors) under one title in no more than three consecutive issues of the journal.

Once an article is approved for publication, it is given a DOI ( The Digital Object Identifier – mandatory international digital identifier of a scientific publication).

All the articles should be properly formatted and appropriately interpreted, adhering to the requirements.The Editorial Board shall keep the right to select articles for inclusion in the journal and, if necessary, make technical edits without the consent of the authors. The Editorial Board has the right to return the article for revision based on the reviewer’s comments. Not rational The article may be rejected or moved to the following issue, with notification to the author, if comments are removed or if a corrected version is submitted after the editorial board's deadline.

Publication by students and undergraduates is carried out only in collaboration with a scientific supervisor, who is personally responsible for the content of the work.

Article texts need to be uploaded to your individual journal account on the website. An article is uploaded in full in PDF format to be checked for borrowings; it is uploaded in MS Word format, without complete name and affiliation, for review.

The "Information about the authors" section contains information about the authors, including their names, affiliations, contact information, position, and scientific or academic degree. It also includes links to the authors' profile identification number in international databases.

Within a month to three months, the article is reviewed by the Editorial Board.